I think it would be difficult for any mom NOT to think of her offspring as the...
In Hudson's case, I am pretty much convinced that he is in fact, a certifiable GENIUS.
Take for example, the following scenario which played itself out this very evening:
It's 7PM. Hudson and Karl are playing "choo - choo" in the basement. I begin to vacuum in the office.
Stomp, stomp, stomp...
Hudson runs up the stairs, with Karl in tow. They pause in the doorway and watch. The child is utterly fascinated.
He comes over and tries to help, but is unable to push the arm of the vacuum on his own.
He looks up at me, unsure.
"Hard work. Isn't it?" I chirp
"DADDY'S TURN" he proclaims sternly as he tilts the vacuum in Karl's direction.
I see great things in this child's future. I really do.